Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hearing inspirations

          An obvious inspiration for the piece comes from The Nature History of the Senses by Diane Ackermann, Especially the parts about how moods are developed through sound and how tension plays a role in how we perceive sounds.

          A lot of inspiration also came from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, I have always found it fascinating the way Stanley plays with space and sound, the way he forces your prescriptive to change, making spaces that cannot exist, and continually using noise as cues and ambience, i famous instance of this is how similar the opening sequences theme later matches the sound of Danny riding his tricycle before his encounter in room 237. He also uses forced perspective within the same scene with Danny to show the tension and scale of the building making you feel small, and lost within a maze like building.

  • Danny's Tricycle Ride,
  • Opening Sequence to the Shining,

      Information about forced perspective,

Examples of Forced perspective,

  Fluorescent Buzz Example


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